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China Black Marble Tile

Marble has always been an integral part of beautiful designs, picturesque architecture, and most of the magnificent and scenic structures you can find today and historically. With its fine blend of natural and earthy colors, you can be sure that you’re adding sophistication and a luxurious feel to anything.

Generally, marble-base products are nice, but the China black marble tiles have something superior to offer!


China black marble tiles are synonymous with dramatic, glamorous, and everything in between. Featuring just the right blend of frosty veins and contrast, our China black marble tiles are particularly tailored to quite an overwhelming range of intents while replicating the feeling of natural marble. So, if you think natural marble is too expensive, this fits your bill just rightly.


The tiles boast superior flexibility in terms of creating tile floors, shower walls, and countless features spanning your business place to residential apartments. Of course, your kitchen backsplash, spa, pool surround, etc., are not left out of this versatility the tiles boast. It adds sophistication and luxury to these features while giving them a more finished and refined appearance at a relatively meager cost.


  Key consideration

Please be aware that these products may vary in pattern, and as such, each of them is unique. This further corroborates the versatility mentioned earlier, allowing you to create a more interesting style for any structural feature. So, please be sure to check out each picture and appearance before committing to a purchase.
What to expect?
Again, regardless of your choice, you can be sure that you’re getting a product with designs and shades tailored to offer the feeling of an actual marble and create exquisite designs without the hassle. In the right hands, your China black marble tiles can make magic. 
Especially, if you're using the products in a high-traffic area, the design and framework are tailored to resist scratch, wear, and tears. Hence, it is your perfect fit for offices, supermarkets, etc.
While only a handful of tiling materials can convey elegance as the china black marble tiles do, it also has terrific features that cater to the ease of installation and maintenance. 
With the highly-dense surface, you can forget about any special treatment when it comes to cleaning your tiles. You can clean it as you'd normally clean any surface. Natural marbles have these demanding maintenance cultures such as paying attention to the pH and avoiding scratches or reactions with detergents. But with the china black marble tile, you can bid this a warm farewell, while enjoying whatever natural marbles have to offer. 
Considering its superior water-resistant capability, it is your best bet for areas where water usage is higher. These include your bathroom, kitchens, fountains, and the list goes on and on. 

Does this look like what you’ve been seeking for your flooring needs? Or perhaps, you have more questions about each product's specifications, samples, and designs? Then, hit the inquire button on your preferred product, and let’s deliver it to you swiftly and without the hassle!




Room 402, 4th Floor, Block 3, MEIJU Building Material
Center, Shiwan, Foshan, Guangdong Province, China


Tel: +86-0757-82261990 / +86-13612629672

Fax: +86-0757-82723238

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