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How to Decorate with Black Tile

Publish Time: 2022-10-26     Origin: Site

Let's assume you took a time machine to the 2010s. Ask someone there what they think about the tile in their home. The answers you’ll most likely get here are: it is ordinary, it is commonplace,  it is not something of note, and so on. But today that is not the case.

More and more people are seeing tiles as a way to bring out creativity in them. They see it as a way to add more colors, glamor, and a comfortable decorative feeling to their homes. As opposed to simply using it for your bathroom floor people now use styles in almost every place including your splashbacks for kitchens and even your walls. You'll also find them in less likely places like hallways and vibrant feature walls.

There are different tiles color perfect for decorative intents. But one that has been making a re-entry in recent years is the black tile. Of course, you may be thinking black is too gloomy or drab. But you've got it wrong because this is not the case. Depending on the type of black tile you use and how creative you are in laying them down you can achieve a contemporary, warm, rustic, and ultra-modern feeling with them.

So, to help you in this regard, this article covers some decorative ideas and innovative things you can try out with your black tiles.

Ideas for decorating with black tiles

Use black tiles for your bathroom  feature wall

Using a black tile in your bathroom can trigger a feeling of luxury and that rich feeling you get from a classy Spa. Thus, you can use this color of tile around your shower enclosure or on the wall that is just right behind your bath area. You can also use lighter grout to help you take a break from the black color and even make the black pop more.

If you want to get even more creative, you can use black gloss tiles. This works just like a mirror, helps you reflect light, and gives you that high-end luxury feel.  On top of the luxury, you feel like your room is brighter and larger. The black color also makes it easy to clean and as such you won't have to worry much about maintenance.

Black kitchen backsplash

Looking to add more drama and depth to your kitchen space? Throw some black Tiles in. Black tiles are the perfect choice for a backsplash. They give you an edgy look that can help you create an eye-catching and contemporary feeling in your kitchen. To make it all better, you can lay the tiles as a horizontal offset.

For that, you can explore different patterns such as the herringbone black Tiles pattern. This gives you a more modern feel.

To make this pattern stand out more, be sure to use lighter-colored grout. If you want the kitchen to feel more elongated or you want to start seeing the space in a new light, lay those black tiles using the vertical stack pattern.

Another key consideration when decorating your kitchen with black tiles is to keep your countertop lighter. This helps you create more contrast across your space so it won't just look monotonous.

Dare to use black tile on your entire wall?

Well, this is quite daring. But can you make your entire walls black? You should definitely try it. Especially when you choose glossy black Tiles instead of settling for matte black, you can create a more captivating feeling that will help you spread and bounce light across your room.

Especially when you blend these black glossy tiles with metals, you will Marvel at the beauty staring right at you. This is exactly what you want for your kitchen spaces and of course your bathrooms. You can also consider using brass taps and vibrant lighting when you when using black Tiles on your bathroom walls. This will give you just the perfect accent you need for black space.

Further, pay utmost attention to your cabinets, furniture, and most importantly, your flooring. Make sure that your choice of color for these components is either white or gives you a wood effect. Whenever you're using the black Wall in your bathroom, be sure to choose white fixtures. They compliment effortlessly.

Go Monochrome

Black and white is one combo that will never become outdated. They blend just perfectly together to help you create a stunning appearance in your room. You can combine both tiles to create a form of checkerboard appearance. This works perfectly whether you’re using them on your entranceways, bathroom, or bedroom.

If you use large tiles on top of these, you can bring more texture to your space. But if you want something dramatic, settle for the small size.

Unique flooring with black tiles

Using black as your home floor tiles can help you make everything else more cohesive while introducing a bold look to your space. If you want to add depth and dimension to this decoration, use black tiles with lighter furniture and walls.

In this situation, you are better off using the matte black instead of the glossy one. This will give you a bold and on-trend decorative finish.

You can clean them effortlessly because they are great at concealing smudges and stains. The grout you'd use in this case should also be black. This will leave you with a contemporary design that further helps you eliminate worries about dirt.

Using black mosaic tiles can help you further introduce a modern flair to your kitchen. Alongside this, it gives you that feel you'd only get from a high-end spa. But when picking a choice for your kitchen or bathroom space, ensure that they have enough slip resistance, since you’ll be dealing with lots of moisture. So, when you reach out to us, be clear about the intended purpose so we can better streamline our service.

We will answer you personally if you have further questions. Do not hesitate to contact us at fspowell@fspowell.com.


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